We are at BOE

  • Beifeng:Become an independent industrialist

    Display business - Mask Design Engineer Yonsei Uni
    <p><p class="MsoNormal"><span>My major is closely related to my current position, and my tutor also spoke highly of BOE during my master's study. In the end, I was fortunate enough to join BOE and engaged in the mask design for BOE products. During my master's degree, my main research direction was metal oxide semiconductor TFT, and I also took courses related to LCD and OLED. BOE is a very large platform that supports employees to try different opportunities, not only for product development, but also for related works such as corporate strategic planning, industry research, product sales, etc. You can always find a suitable position here. BOE's overall work environment is very comfortable, and work-life balance is good. The overall atmosphere at the company is also very good, everyone is very approachable, there is no sense of distance, I can always feel cared for and valued, and experience the family culture. Words to the younger schoolmates: "Those who have the power of thinking are the measure of all things". Don't lose curiosity and desire for knowledge, don’t lose the courage to change.</span></p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><span>The three most important aspects of choosing the first job are: work environment, professional matching, the company's development prospects and industry status</span></p><div><br></div><p><br></p>
  • Jason:The company's training system for employees is comprehensive and systematic, and it attaches great importance to the training of newcomers

    Sensor and Solution Business - FAE Engineer Imperi
    <p><span>I had a certain understanding of BOE before. After returning to China, I participated in the international student recruitment fair, saw the BOE’s booth, and delivered resume after a detailed understanding. I was lucky to get the offer. When choosing a career, I prefer technology-based companies, because technology and innovation mean the future, and I want to develop and grow together with the company. And my major is material-related. My position is FAE. In this position, I can bring full play of my comprehensive advantages such as technical ability and language ability. When conducting business negotiations with foreign customers, personal understanding of overseas market conditions and professional technology also makes my work smoother. In addition to the matching of positions, the company's training system for employees is comprehensive and systematic, and it attaches great importance to the training of newcomers, which can help employees achieve the fastest growth in the shortest time. My experience after work: let go of impetuous thoughts, and do our work well with a pure mind, so that our ability can be maximized.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of choosing the first job: working atmosphere, growth, and the company's cultivation and attention to talents</span></p><div><br></div>
  • Lucy:Make good use of the platform to get in-depth contact with the market, and accumulate first-line experience with heart, we will have good development

    MLED Business - Head of Sales Team University of M
    <p><span>When I graduated, I didn’t feel too entangled, and I felt that there were more choices in the industry to return to China for employment. I usually also pay attention to consumer electronics. I know that BOE is a leading company in the global semiconductor display industry. I passed remote interviews and joined BOE after graduation through internal referrals from friends. The large platform has products, technologies and resources, and can provide a systematic training, guidance on the general direction of the market, and training in various branches such as sales, etiquette, and negotiation. At the same time, BOE strengthens the coordination between the frontend, middleware and backend platforms. We can reach various organizations more directly, so that I can have a clearer understanding of the entire industry chain. My usual work requires business contacts and market expansion with major customers. Fluent communication, business etiquette, and thinking about what customers think, I think, these are my advantages. There is no shortage of opportunities in BOE, make good use of the platform to get in-depth contact with the market, and accumulate first-line experience attentively, we will have good development under the company's employee promotion policy and incentive strategy. More importantly, in practice, we must fully exploit our exclusivity and challenge our weaknesses.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of choosing the first job are: the platform of the enterprise, the concept of the enterprise, and the young team</span></p><div><br></div>
  • Wen:The content of the work is professional and full, and we can incubate various ideas

    IoT Innovation Business - Big Data R&D University
    <p><span>The rapid development of the motherland made me resolutely decide to return to my home country when I graduated. Choosing to join BOE is because both the opportunity and the result of hard work. BOE is the company that my father yearns for the most, so I have always been concerned about BOE and yearned for it. I like technology-based companies very much, and I am deeply attracted by BOE’s products and technical capabilities in AI, cloud computing, and big data, so I organized my career plan and prepared skills reserved across majors. After graduation, I joined BOE’s big data team. After work, developing a project from 0-1, sorting out complicated projects and improving efficiency, all these give me a great sense of achievement. I found that the people on the big platform are rich and excellent. The seniors of the company are very patient, the team atmosphere is harmonious, everyone learns from each other. People here is motivated and humble. At the same time, the company's management system is also very mature, and daily operations are efficient. The work content is professional and full, and we can incubate various ideas.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of the first job are: mature company systems, strong growth potential, positive and harmonious working atmosphere</span></p><div><br></div>
  • Reina:The rapid expansion of BOE's medical footprint has given students of related majors a good space for development and exercise opportunities

    Smart Medical Industry Business - Management Corne
    <p><span>In fact, I have been paying attention to BOE's smart medical and engineering business. BOE's medical field has involved health management, early cancer screening, chronic disease management, regenerative medicine, genetic technology, and health care services from the early stage. At the same time, BOE also has its own digital hospitals. BOE forms the layout and deployment of the whole health field. Personally, I mainly focus on medical informatics, and I want to do hospital operation management. I am fortunate to join the BOE Beijing Hospital project as a management trainee, and I also have a job rotation at OASIS International Hospital. My daily work involves hospital operation analysis, process transformation, resource allocation, product and service planning, which are highly related to what I have learned at school. OASIS International Hospital is a high-end comprehensive international hospital, so that I can also use my language advantage. At the same time, my ability to withstand pressure and adaptability is relatively strong, so I can quickly adapt to the environment and deal with multi-threaded work. BOE is a big platform, especially the rapid expansion of the medical field has given students of related majors a good space for development and exercise opportunities.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of the first job are: interesting work content, personal development plan, and learning opportunities</span></p><div><br></div>
  • William:Leaders and colleagues are like friends, Our team is very receptive and supportive of innovative ideas

    Corporate Functions Department - Employer Branding
    <p><span>Joining BOE is in line with my career plan. I also like the career prospects brought by the company's continuous innovation and development, and I also agree with the company's corporate culture. I am fortunate to have joined a positive and energetic team, everyone is young, and everyone in the team is very capable. This relaxing work environment allows me to quickly integrate into the workplace environment. I like BOE's mentoring very much, it gives me the opportunity to meet my mentor, and I’m encouraged to make more friends in this simple and harmonious interpersonal relationship in the company. At work, leaders and colleagues are like friends. Our team is very receptive and supportive of innovative ideas. Some good ideas can be put into practice after negotiation. This is a very good opportunity and practice for me who is new to the workplace. It also gave me a lot of sense of achievement. This free and orderly working environment allows me to devote myself to my work, and brings me more growth in challenges and breakthroughs.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of choosing the first job: large company platform, creative team, positive and young work atmosphere</span></p><div><br></div>
  • Roger:The experience of studying abroad can give me an advantage in my current position, and the breadth and depth of my work have been expanded

    Corporate Functions Department - Recruitment Manag
    <p><span>I have always been interested in technology-based companies, and I also want to develop in a long-term and stably on a large platform, and the slogan "way to BOE, way to home" of global campus recruitment also touched me, so I joined BOE. The team atmosphere full of family culture, positive work ideas, and the personal charisma of the leaders all gave me a good experience when I first joined the company. From my student days to the workplace, I expect a platform for learning and growth. Mentoring and systematic training program in the corporate training system gave me the opportunity to learn a lot of new things and make myself clearer to know your career path. In addition, my current job requires understanding of overseas institutions and overseas markets. I feel that my language and overseas study experience can give me an advantage in my current position, and the breadth and depth of my work have been expanded. Since joining the company, my critical thinking has also become more practical.</span></p><p><span>The three most important aspects of choosing the first job: salary, team atmosphere, and room for growth</span></p><div><br></div>

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  • 1st/2nd Interview

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